RBC Place London is committed to protecting our environment and is continuously looking to improve our waste management and energy programs.  Currently efforts are directed to reducing waste and energy use and recycling and reusing as many items as possible while continuing to offer a safe environment for guests and staff. Purchasing policies include a “Green” emphasis for all our suppliers. 


In 2023, 50% of our total waste was recycled (up from 46.86% in 2022). That's over 24.8 metric tonnes of recyclables and food waste diverted from landfills!

Recycled ProductAmount
Cardboard3100 kg
Plastic/Cans/Paper4800 kg
Organics16,900 kg
Wooden Pallets1120 kg

In 2023, our efforts helped to conserve:


For the last decade, staff from RBC Place London have taken part in ReForest London's Annual Tree Planting Ceremony at Celebration Forest near Westminster Ponds.

RBC Place London has done this as a part of our commitment to plant a tree with ReForest London on behalf of each new conference or event to book at the facility since 2012 worth at least $25,000. 

Since launching this program on January 1st 2012, RBC Place London has planted a tree on behalf of 36 conferences/events and one tree per year on behalf of RBC Place London.  


We are proud to be a founding member of Green Economy London since its launch in May 2019. The organization works with businesses to set and achieve sustainability targets by providing tools to measure emissions, waste and water usage, resources to manage them, and recognition for success.

The London Clean and Green logo


Each year, RBC Place London takes part in London’s Clean & Green initiative by participating in the 20 Minute London Makeover. Our team gathers to clean up the areas surrounding our facility. 


Coordination of Meeting Room Setup and HVAC systems:

Departments coordinate the set up of meeting rooms to reduce energy requirements. RBC Place London HVAC system is programmed to provide cooled air 1.5 hours prior to the guest arrival for the larger ballroom and 1 hour prior to guest arrival for smaller rooms.

Temperature throughout RBC Place London is controlled and monitored to reduce energy use. The event services and technical teams set up the meeting rooms together to ensure minimum use of hydro. Offices are equipped with light sensors and lighting throughout is reduced during off peak times.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Ports

RBC Place London is one of several locations around the City of London granted new EV charging ports in 2021. The two charging ports are located on the first level of the underground parking lot and service four spots. This initiative is part of a public private partnership with electric vehicle charging company, Charger Crew Canada. 

Water Bottle Refill Station

Help us reduce plastic and water waste by bringing your water bottle from home and refilling it at our water bottle refill station on the second floor. So far we've helped eliminated waste from over 3340 plastic bottles!