RBC Place London acts as a vehicle for spending that ends up practically everywhere within the local economy. From the moment delegates arrive, they begin using a whole range of goods and services required to accommodate, feed, entertain, supply and transport.
In general, Convention delegates spend approximately four times what other tourists do on a daily basis, injecting a large amount of new money into the local economy. That is good business for everyone.
Hotels obviously get their share. But so do London’s restaurants, attractions, taxis, retail outlets, entertainment facilities and a host of other businesses that collectively make up the delegate experience. Additionally, every activity within RBC Place London itself draws upon a wide range of services and supplies, from food and beverage to displays and from performers to communications companies. The bigger and more complex an event and the more suppliers involved, the greater the impact to the community. This is how the economic impact is measured.
RBC Place London hosted events also generate tax revenues that support schools, hospitals, roads and more. Non-local delegates bring new money into the community which means less money coming out of residents’ pockets.
The economic impact of RBC Place London is significant and provides many reasons to feel fortunate to have this type of facility in London.
Our Impact
The impact on London’s economy by RBC Place London was $22.6M in 2023 as determined from delegate counts and by the Ministry of Ontario’s Tourism Regional Economic Impact Model. The average convention delegate spends $401 per day on accommodations, transportation, food and beverage and shopping. Since 2008 RBC Place London hosted events have contributed approximately $275 million in economic impact for London.
In 2023 RBC Place London hosted 184 events which produced 112,026 delegate days and 20,130 hotel room nights. Additionally, we had immense social impact as a result of our collaboration with the London Food Bank, 519Pursuit and the City of London. Since the program's inception in 2020, our culinary team prepared more than 125,000 meals to be distributed to citizens experiencing homelessness and extreme poverty in our community.