RBC Place London is a multi-purpose convention facility, incorporated in 1993, and owned by the City of London. We're governed by a Board of Directors, appointed by Municipal Council. This volunteer Board is responsible for the strategic direction of the London Convention Centre Corporation.

Click here for the Bylaw

Interested in joining our Board?
Click here to download the Board Recruitment Package.
Click here to download the Board Application Form

RBC Place London Board of Directors 2024

Susan Judd - Chair
Linda Nicholls - Vice-Chair
Jennifer Diplock - Past Chair
Sara De Candido
Ross de Gannes
Jeffrey Floyd
Eunju Yi

Mayor Josh Morgan
Councillor Jerry Pribil
Councillor Susan Stevenson
City Manager Sandra Datars Bere

Corporate Officers

Darrin Pollard, CEO & General Manager
Shannon Moxey, Director Corporate Services and Sustainability

Board Meetings

The public portion of RBC Place London Board meetings are open to the general public.

Strategic Plan and Annual Updates

2024 RBC Place London Asset Plan

2024-2027 Strategic Plan

2023 Annual Report

2023 Financial Statements

2022 Annual Report

2022 Financial Statements